City trip Seville (part 2): 9 hotspots

City trip Seville (part 2): 9 hotspots

Late March to early April, the temperature in Seville (Spain) climbs to 20 degrees Celsius, the perfect temperature for a city trip. Part two of my wanderings through this delightful city.

City trip: what to see and to do in Seville

City trip: what to see and to do in Seville

Of course, Barcelona is lovely, but if I go to Spain for a city trip, I prefer to go to Seville (or Sevilla in Spanish); it has a more authentic feeling. Thanks to its southern location, this is the perfect spring and autumn destination. Part 1 of my travel guide about Seville.

City trip London: 8 irresistible hotspots

City trip London: 8 irresistible hotspots

Lord Kitchener already sang it in the 60s:

London is the place for me
London this lovely city
You can go to France or America,
India, Asia or Australia
But you must come back to London city.

I completely agree with him.